James Dennis


James Dennis

James Dennis

Action & Adventure, Science Fiction, Fantasy

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  • Member Since

    Aug 2024

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  • Country

    United States

  • Born

    17 August

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I was born in Fairfield Ca. went to Fairfield HS and Solano Community College before Joining the US. Army. I have a Bachelor of Science in Social Science from Troy University that I obtained while in the Army. I am married and have 3 Boys. Faith and Family are everything to me. I am retired from the US Army and enjoyed my time. I still work for the Army today as I thoroughly enjoy being around Soldiers and handing down my knowledge to train them to be experts at what they do. I am proud to say I am a member of the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association®, an association with the mission of “Veterans Helping Veterans.” I thoroughly enjoy the camaraderie I get from being around other Veterans and helping those in need. “JimDandy” is my road name. I author my books based off dreams that I have, I remember many of them.


The Chronos Reurgence: Echoes Of Time

James Dennis Books

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